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District News, VA News

Helping Hospitalized Veterans

American Legion Volunteer Service Representatives are working to help our hospitalized Vets by coordinating Post efforts with the VA Volunteer Services Offices at each North Carolina VAMC. They are asking you to help our hospitalized men and women Veterans by providing them with everyday basic necessities. We are requesting your support for items that the Veterans Administration Medical Centers cannot/do not provide.

The VA does do a terrific job of taking care of our Vets and the Chiefs of the Volunteer Services at the facilities work unbelievable hours to see that the vet’s needs are met but …..Volunteer Services can only provide for all of our Vets needs with your help. You see, not all of the veterans have family, friends that can assist them with essential, basic items

Our local Volunteer Service Representative for VAMC Durham is asking for contributions of toiletries such as tooth paste, floss, tooth brushes, mouth wash, denture maintenance products combs and brushes, body powders lotions and oils and razors (electric & safety), deodorant and items specific to men and women’s hygiene. They long for everyday pleasures i.e. cans of coffee, tea and sugar non-perishable creamers Snacks like packaged crackers and cookies. All kinds of clothing including undergarments shirts, trousers, socks and coats.

Cash donations are welcome as the American Legion believes that the veterans should have the benefit of entertainment and there are funds that have been established to provide for that such as TV, and portable radios. There are funds for movies, baseball, basketball and foot-ball, outings and the performing arts.

Posts are asked to arrange to have their contributions sent or delivered to the Convention in June. Upon request the VSR will pick up Post contributions. If you would prefer to make a monetary contribution checks or generic debut cards should be made out to the Veterans Administration Volunteer Services (VAVS).

One last point……… there is no contribution that is too small. Four quarters will buy a coke $2.00, some snacks to go along with it. For more information, contact Joel H. Lipsey, Durham VAVS, at 919-475-9830.

About chapelhillpost6

American Legion Post 6 and District 12, North Carolina


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May 2013


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